Financial Calculators & Tools

Judo Bank

Interactive comparison calculator to improve online customer engagement

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Term Deposit Comparison Calculator

Judo Bank partnered with GBST to improve online customer engagement and drive new applications with an interactive comparison calculator. The calculator compares their term deposit product with other providers, showing potential customers how much more they can earn with Judo Bank.

Judo Bank is the first financial provider in the term deposit market to offer a calculator that compares other institution’s interest rates and calculates the difference in interest earned.

The interactive, mobile responsive tool is built on GBST’s Equate calculation engine and integrates with Mozo’s Marketview API to compare term deposit products from other financial institutions.

“GBST’s digital expertise combined with financial knowledge made them the ideal partner to build our term deposit comparison calculator. The calculator engages users straight away with its user friendly and clear design and they can have the answers to their questions in less than 30 seconds.”

Matt Hocking

Digital Implementation Specialist at Judo Bank